IST Training for Researchers and SMEs
ARC Fund, jointly with the Bulgarian Association of Software Companies, organized a training seminar on the “EU Framework Programs as Instruments for RTD Support” on March 31-April 1, 2006 in Sofia. The seminar was a joint event of the IST Bonus consortium and the European IST project.

The seminar agenda presented an overview of the existing call opportunities under FP6, as well as the structure, budget and thematic priorities of the future FP7. Participants were given practical guidelines on how to write successful project proposals, how to manage EU projects, focusing specifically on the issues of financial management and reporting, and what strategies to design in order to participate more successfully in the EU RTD programs. A case study of a successful Bulgarian participant in the FP6 IST Program - Sirma AI - was also presented.

Lecturers were the National Contact Point for the IST Program in Bulgaria, senior experts from the State Agency for ICT, representatives of NGOs and companies which had successfully participated in the IST Program.


ARC Fund Presentation
BASSCOM European IST Presentation
IST-BONUS Project Presentation
Ontotext: Its Experience in FP6
Introduction to FP7
The IST Call 6
FP6 Project Management Guidelines
How to Develop SSA Project: a Step-by-Step Tutorial
FP6 Contract Preparation Guidelines
How to Develop Research Action Plans
Guidelines on FP6 Financial Management
GET-In project presentation

© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems