Technology Brokerage Event in the field of Biotechnology during the “Interfood and Drink”, “Meatmania”, “The World of Milk” and “Salon de Vin” exhibitions in Sofia, 16-17 November 2006
A Technology Brokerage Event in the field of Food and Drinks Biotechnologies is being organised by ARC Fund anf its Innovation Relay Centre-Bulgaria.

The event will take place on 16-17 November 2006 during one of the largest forums of the food and beverages industries in Bulgaria – Interfood and Drink, Meatmania, The World of Milk and Salon de Vin exhibitions in Sofia.

The event offers the participating company representatives, RTD organisations and experts unique opportunities to meet and establish cross-border contacts with a diverse range of European companies, active in the field of dairy and wine production, meat processing, healthy foods, food additives and other relevant applications.. The objective of this networking is to foster Transnational Technology Transfer (TTT) agreements and technological co-operation, to encourage establishing start-up companies as well as to inspire and initiate joint participation in European RTD projects and future collaboration. This is a great opportunity for researchers to investigate the potential of commercial exploitation for products and technologies in the development stage.

The prearranged bilateral meetings are addressed to manufacturers, processors, tradesmen that are facing the many challenges of food and beverage industry including sourcing new products, complying with increasingly onerous food safety rules and regulations, addressing environmental concerns, and fulfilling both retailer and consumer expectations.

The main thematic areas, covered during the event are:
- Raw materials for the food -, diary-, meat- and wine-production and processing;
- Production, processing and distribution of milk and dairy products;
- Production, processing and distribution of meat and meat products;
- Food products and drinks, pastry, sugar products, confectionary, preserved food, seafood, children’s food;
- Wines, new vintages and trade marks, grape - Production and processing technologies and equipment;
- Packaging, canning and transporting of foods and drinks;

The Interfood and Drink, Meatmania, The World of Milk and Salon de Vin exhibitions are one of the most attractive and significant business events in Bulgaria dedicated to food and beverage industries.

More than 300 companies exhibited in 2005 and 8000 visitors from 24 countries attended the exhibitions. The same or even higher rate of interest is expected for the 2006 editions.

Co-organising IRCs:
- IRC - Czech Republic - Business and Innovation Centre in Pilsen
- IRC Help-Forward in Greece
- IRC RECITAL – Pisa, Italy
- IRC-EGE, Turkey

For participation and more information please contact:
Ms. Maria Alexandrova
Ms. Teodora Georgieva
Innovation Relay Centre – Bulgaria
6 Gourko Str., 1000 Sofia
Phone: +359 2 9867557, 9867887, Fax: +359 2 9801833
© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems