ARC Fund Launches Anti-Corruption Portal - the first Bulgarian portal site dedicated exclusively to issues of corruption and anti-corruption was developed by ARC Fund during the first quarter of 2003. The site is part of ARC Fund’s involvement and active role in Coalition 2000 – Bulgaria’s flagship anti-corruption initiative launched by a group of NGOs in 1997.

The main purpose of the new portal site is to improve the visibility and outreach of Coalition 2000 activities and deepen the Bulgarian public’s awareness of the complex problems confronting the fight against corruption.

The site provides a wealth of information on the anti-corruption activities and efforts implemented by Coalition 2000 and its partners, the Bulgarian government and the business community. By publishing regular weekly and monthly media monitoring reports it shows how Bulgarian mass media understand and cover the topic of corruption. Site visitors can find regularly updated Corruption Monitoring Indexes indicating the spread of corruption in the country. The annual Corruption Assessment Reports of Coalition 2000 are also available online. provides links to many resources such as publications, studies, polls, research and reports produced both in Bulgaria and abroad, thus facilitating knowledge-sharing between the main stakeholders.

The site also invites the active participation of its visitors. For example, it features a discussion forum, a possibility to add comments on all published articles, as well as an anti-corruption “mailbox” where visitors can post information about corruption cases and corrupt practices that have become known to them. These alerts are then forwarded to different media and public institutions which can further investigate specific allegations and corruption cases.

© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems