New Members of the Public Council for Safer Internet
At a meeting on November 28, 2006 the Public Council for Safer Internet in Bulgaria voted two organizations for new members of the body that supervizes the operation of the Bulgarian Hotline for reporting illegal and harmful internet content. The newly accepted members are the Partners-Bulgaria Foundation and Bulgarian Federation for Electronic Sport.

In the period June-July 2006, Partners-Bulgaria organized a very successful awareness campaign under the project Kid in the Net supported by the British Embassy in Bulgaria, the State Agency for Child Protection and the Nobody's Children Foundation of Poland.

The Bulgarian Federation for Electronic Sport supports the main objectives of the Bulgarian Safer Internet Hotline and implements an educational program for children aimed against violence in Internet.

The Public Council approved the first annual Public Report of the Bulgarian Safer Internet Hotline and discussed strategies for ensuring its sustainability and further enhancing its visibility in the coming year.

The meeting was chaired by Mr. Tosho Nedyalkov, vice-chair of the Safer Internet Public Council and deputy-chair of the State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications. The project coordinator, Mr. Nikolay Badinski, informed the members of the Council on the results and recommendations made after a review of the Hotline's operation by high-level representatives of the International Association of Internet Hotline Providers (INHOPE) in September and a mid-term project review meeting held in October in Luxembourg by representatives of the Safer Internet Programme of the European Commission.

As of October 2006 the Bulgarian Hotline is officially a member of INHOPE.

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Related articles:

Public Council to Oversee Safer Internet Use in Bulgaria
National Conference on Safer Internet Use by Children
Bulgarian Safer Internet Hotline Goes Operational
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