Information Day on the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities (2007-2013)
ARC Fund organized an Information Day on the upcoming FP7 of EC with special emphasis on the “Capacities” Specific Programme and the synergy with other EU programme instruments for building knowledge society.

The FP7 overview and the presentation of the Capacity Specific Programme was made by Ms Maria Carvalho Dias, Research Infrastructures Unit, DG “Research” , EC who covered the following programme actions: Research Infrastructures, Research for the benefit of SMEs, Regions of Knowledge, Research Potential, Science in Society, Coherent development of policies, Activities of International Cooperation.

Ms Karina Angelieva, NCP Science in Society, Scientific Research Department, Ministry of Education and Science presented the new opportunities for joint actions and synergies between FP7 and the Structural Funds.

The event was accomplished by a practice-oriented session presenting hints to developing a successful project proposal to FP7. The session was moderated by ARC Fund representatives and was based on the GiST tool – a web-based tool for facilitation of new-comers in project proposal development within the EC framework programmes.

For more information please contact:
Daniela Tchonkova
Denitsa Marinova


Presentation by Ms Maria Carvalho Dias, Research Infrastructures Unit, DG “Research”, EC (Power Point, 2.89 MB, in English)

Presentation by Ms Karina Angelieva, NCP Science in Society, Scientific Research Department, Ministry of Education and Science (Power Point,400 KB, in Bulgarian)

© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems