Information Day under OpenTTT Project
On January 29, 2007 in Sofia ARC Fund organized an Information Day under the “Open source Partnership for Enterprises and Network of developers aiming at Transnational Technology Transfer” project.

The Information day was opened by Mr.Nikolay Badinski, Executive Director of ARC Fund, who made a short overview of the project. Mr. Mircho Mirev, who works at, and Mr. Assen Totin, who works at Avangard Solutions, underlined the opportunities of the open source software and its various applications in business and at home.

The Information Day also featured a presentation of an Open Book for the Open Software. The book was published by ARC Fund and provides useful background information on the open source ideology and history, and explains some basic terminology related to it. The authors of the book are Mr. Elenko Elenkov and Mr. Vladimir Petkov. Both of them had participated in initiatives related to the promotion of open source in Bulgaria (i.e. Open Source Software for Bulgarian NGOs and “Gnome in Bulgarian”).
The participants also received useful information on the Seventh Framework Program (FP7) by Ms. Emilia Zakova.
At the end of the event Ms.Vesela Georgieva outlined the future activities under the OpenTTT project.

Photo gallery:


Agenda OpenTTT Info day (MS Word, 70KB, in Bulgarian)
Media advisory (PDF, 176KB, in Bulgarian)
OpenTTT project presentation (MS Power Point, 382KB, in Bulgarian)
Presentation OSS (MS Power Point, 118KB, in Bulgarian)
Presentation website (PDF, 54,8KB, in Bulgarian)
Presentation The Open book for the open software (MS Power Point, 456 KB, in Bulgarian)
Opportunities for SMEs in FP7 (MS Power Point, 340KB, in Bulgarian)
OpenTTT project activities (MS Power Point, 272KB, in Bulgarian)


Further information and contacts can be obtained from:

ARC Fund
Ms. Emilia Zakova,
Ms. Vesela Georgieva,
Tel.: +359 2 971 3000
© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems