Launch of National Safer Internet Online Competition for School Children
A national online competition on Safer Internet for Bulgarian school children under the motto ‘When I'm Online' was officially launched at a press conference on January 31, 2007. The competition is organized in connection with the International Day for Safer Internet and is a joint initiative of the State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications, the Association for Consumers’ Protection, Intermedia Foundation and ARC Fund, under the auspices of the Public Council for Safer Internet.

The Public Council for Safer Internet acts as a consultative body to the Bulgarian Safer Internet Hotline operated by ARC Fund, under a project supported by the European Commission's Safer Internet Programme.

The national online competition was presented by the deputy chairman of the State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications and vice-chairman of the Public Council for Safer Internet, Mr. Tosho Nedyalkov. From January 30th till February 5th, students from all Bulgarian schools could participate in the competition by completing an online test with 25 questions on Internet safety for up to 35 minutes at the competition's website

Every day a rating list of participants and schools is published on the site. In the first day of the competition 75 participants passed the test and 5 of them received the highest score.

At a second press conference on February 6th, during the time alloted for Bulgaria’s participation in the Global Blogathon, an article describing the results of the competition will be published at the Blogathon’s website. The children and schools with the best results will be awarded certificates of achievement and prizes by the organizers.
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Master of Science in Information Systems