Online Competition Tests Children’s Safer Internet Awareness
More than 2,500 children from all over Bulgaria took part in a nationwide online competition ‘When I'm Online’ for school children on Safer Internet rules dedicated to the Safer Internet Day. This was announced at a press conference on February 6, 2007 by the organizers of the competition: the Applied Research and Communications Fund – operator of the Bulgarian Hotline , INTERMEDIA Foundation, the Association for Consumers Protection with the financial support of the State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications and under the auspices of the Public Council for Safer Internet .

At the press conference an article about the results of the competition was posted in the presence of the media on the site of the Safer Internet Day 2007 Blogathon.

From January 30th till February 5th, a nationwide online competition titled ‘When I'm Online’ for school children on Safer Internet rules took part in Bulgaria. A total of 2,506 children from 1st to 12th grades from schools all over the country had the possibility to check their knowledge about the risks in Internet and the ways to avoid them.

An online test at a special website containing 25 multiple-choice questions had to be passed by the participant in 35 minutes. The questions described quite real situations in Internet with a focus on sharing personal data, meeting unknown “online friends”, posting own pictures, etc.

The competition results were both alarming and raising hope. Alarming was the fact that only 166 of all participants replied correctly to all 25 questions. This proved also that children from higher grades demonstrate less awareness: from 1st to 6th grades participants scored an average of 18, from 7th grade – 21, but from the higher grades the average results were 16-17 correct answers.

At the same time, the fact that in one week more than 2,500 children from all over the country volunteered to pass the test raises the hopes that awareness is gradually rising. That is why the organizers of the competition decided to make the online-test a permanent online resource for children.

21 of the highest score participants will receive prizes from the organizers - MP3 players from the Association for Consumers' protection, PC keyboards, mouses, Visual Basic Guidebooks - from Microsoft-Bulgaria. Their names were drawn during the press-conference. The 5 schools with most participants receive English language online course from INTERMEDIA Foundation.

More information on the Safer Internet Day 2007 is available here.
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