ARC Fund presented Innovation.BG 2007 report to international and diplomatic community
At a meeting on Friday, 29th June 2007, ARC Fund presented the English version of its annual report to members of the international community in Bulgaria. The meeting was opened by Dr. Ognian Shentov, ARC Fund Chairman, who positioned the report in the context of ARC Fund's overall work in advancing the innovation policy agenda in Bulgaria.

Mr. Florian Fichtl, World Bank country manager to Bulgaria, pointed out the critical importance of innovation and R&D policies for Bulgaria given the challenges of EU membership and longer-term demographic changes. Mr. Fichtl emphasized the need for effective policies stimulating competition among firms, clearly defined property rights and public-private partnership in the R&D field. He also explained that investment in skilled educated workforce and university research will translate into long-term economic benefits for the country.

The 2007 report was presented by Mr. Ruslan Stefanov, Coordinator of the Economic Program at the Center for the Study of Democracy, who heads the working group. The report provides an in-depth assessments of the country's innovation system performance and the innovation potential of Bulgarian businesses. A new feature in this year's analysis is the inclusion of an Innovation Index of Bulgarian Enterprises.

The report is one of three main instruments which ACR Fund has designed in an effort to inform and influence innovation policies in the country. The other two are the annual National Innovation Forum and the annual Award for the Most Innovative Bulgarian Enterprises of the Year. 2007
Presentation by Mr. Ruslan Stefanov, Coordinator of the Economic Program at the Center for the Study of Democracy (MS Power Point, 3.2 MB)
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    Developed by ARC Fund

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