9th International Venture Capital Forum, 19 - 20 June 2008, Athens
The Hellenic Center for Investment (ELKE) , the New Economy Development Fund (TANEO) , the Innovation Relay Centre HELP-FORWARD and the Innovation Relay Centre-Bulgaria with the cooperation of the Hellenic Venture Capital Association invite entrepreneurs and researchers having ambitious and innovative business plans to participate in bilateral business meetings with Greek and International Venture Capital firms during the 9th International Venture Capital Forum.

The 9th International Venture Capital Forum is a unique two-day event dedicated to raising financing for ambitious and dynamic entrepreneurs, business oriented researchers and new technology-based firms in Southeast Europe. The event also provides a forum for institutional and other investment professionals to meet with policy makers, entrepreneurs, academics and researchers for an open exchange of views and ideas.

The 9th International Venture Capital Forum will take place in Hilton Hotel, in Athens, on 19 - 20 June 2008. Businessmen, researchers, policy makers from Southeast Europe and East Mediterranean are invited to attend, present their business ideas and discuss venture opportunities in dedicated bilateral meetings.

Presentation on the venture capital initiative is available here:

20 March 2008 1st Call for investment proposal(s)
12 May 2008 Deadline for investment proposal(s) submission
16 May 2008 Distribution of investment proposal(s) portfolio(s) to investors
06 June 2008 Expression of interest from investors for bilateral meetings
13 June 2008 Notification of business meetings schedule to both investors and entrepreneurs
19-20 June 2008 The event

For further information, please contact:
Ms Teodora Georgieva
Tel. + 359 2 973 300
Fax. +359 2 973 35 88
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Master of Science in Information Systems