Round table on "Computer Games and Children's Safety in Internet"
On 12 September 2008 the State Agency for Information Technologies and Communications (SAITC) organized jointly with the Bulgarian InSafe Awareness Node a round table entitled "Computer Games and Children's Safety in Internet". Representatives of the executive and legislative institutions, IT companies and mobile operators, providers of online games, parents' organizations, NGOs and the media participated in the event.
Mr. Plamen Vachkov, Chairman of SAITC, presented the recommendations of the Council of Europe to the providers of video and computer games drawn by the Experts Group on Human Rights in the Information Society (MC-S-IS) of the Council of Europe. He undelined the necessity of joint efforts by the state, business and NGOs to guarantee the safety of children in Internet and the recommendation to introduce the Pan-European Games Information System (PEGI).
The system PEGI Online and the PEGI Online Security Code were presented by the coordinator of the Bulgarian InSafe Awareness Node Georgi Apostolov. He pointed out at the benefits for the games providers in joining PEGI and implementing its labels.
Special guest to the round table was Mrs. Janice Richardson, coordinator of the InSafe network to the European Commission. She presented the principles and goals of the European School Network and the InSafe network attracting broad media attention and gave few interviews for Bulgarian TV channels.
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Master of Science in Information Systems