National newsletters "Science and Business"
The newsletters presented below were elaborated within the "Science and Business" project. The project is implemented by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, in collaboration with ARC Fund and with the financial support of Operational Programme "Human Resources Development". It aims to create effective tools and to build favorable environment for interaction between the representatives of academia and business.

No. 1/2012: Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology (available only in Bulgarian)
No. 2/2012: New Materials and Technologies with Application in Ecology, Pharmacy, Medicine and Energy (available only in Bulgarian)
No. 3/2012: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources (available only in Bulgarian) No. 4/2013: Information and Communication Technologies (available only in Bulgarian)
No. 5/2013: Green Chemistry (available only in Bulgarian)
No. 6/2013: Engineering, Optics and Electronics (available only in Bulgarian)
No. 7/2013: Scientific Instruments (available only in Bulgarian)
No. 8/2013: Cluster Development in Bulgaria (available only in Bulgarian)
No. 9/2013: Technology Transfer and Knowledge Diffusion (available only in Bulgarian)
No. 10/2013: Successful Innovative Practices (available only in Bulgarian)
No. 11/2013: Academic Entrepreneurship (available only in Bulgarian)
No. 12/2013: Emerging Bulgarian Multinationals (available only in Bulgarian)

© 2005
    Developed by ARC Fund

Master of Science in Information Systems