Sustainable Policy Impact through State-of-the-Art Research and Advocacy

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The Southeast Europe Leadership for Development and Integrity (SELDI) network is the largest indigenous anti-corruption and good governance coalition in the region of Southeast Europe (SEE), created by CSOs from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Kosovo*, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey (also including partners from Moldova and Romania). SELDI pools resources and expertise from a total of 42 CSO organisations (both members and associates) to become a representative group of the regional CSO community on anti-corruption and good governance. SELDI contributes to a dynamic civil society in the region, capable of participating in public debate and influencing policy and decision-making process in the area of anti-corruption and good governance.

The publication provides a review of the architecture and key results from the main methodological instruments, applied by the Southeast Europe Leadership for Development and Integrity network in Southeast Europe. SELDI’s advocacy impact, channelled through local ownership and strong public-private partnership foundation, is built upon stateof-the-art corruption and hidden economy monitoring tools. SELDI’s constant drive for social innovation has pushed its members to also devise new instruments, particularly in response to recently emerged, complex and systemic corruption practices in the region. More specifically, the network has developed, and plans to apply comprehensively across the SEE, instruments to assess the state capture phenomenon and identify concrete anti-corruption implementation gaps on institutional level.