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Building on the achievements of the projects of 1999 and 2000 the Center for the Study of Democracy in this project will work toward achieving greater public awareness of corporate governance principles through public education, advocacy and dissemination which was one of the initial long-term goals of CGI.The major objective of this project is to create a network of advocates of corporate governance in the mass media, give publicity to the efforts undertaken so far in the course of the reform and create a wide constituency and public opinion in favor of the corporate governance principles. The project envisage:to assess the capacity of the Bulgarian mass media to advocate corporate governance reform;to train a significant number of journalists to cover developments in the course of corporate governance reform and to disseminate the ideas and the know-how formulated in the course of previous projects on corporate governance carried out in the region; to provide these journalists with some of the tools which will be necessary in order to convey their message to the public.

The project will include training of journalists and other activities for advocacy of corporate governance.There are 3 components:

1/ Assessing the capacity of the Bulgarian mass media for advocating corporate governance reform: conducting a survey of national and local mass media to assess the training needs; analysis of the survey and formulation of the curriculum of the seminars; preparation of teaching tools for the participants in the seminars.

2/ Building capacity for media coverage of corporate governance reform: a training seminar for journalists from national and local print and electronic media;

3/ Facilitating the development of tools for coverage of corporate governance reform: publication of a series of articles on corporate governance written by participants in the seminars; editing and publication of a glossary of corporate governance terms;


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