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The Union of Bulgarian Jurists (UBJ) was established in 1966 as a voluntary, independent, public and creative organization, uniting persons of higher law education. It is a legal successor of the Bulgarian Jurists' House Cooperative Society founded in 1925.
The Union of Bulgarian Jurists is the largest juristical NGO, with a membership of 1500 member jurists from all legal professions unified in 30 societies within the country.
In its activities the Union is governed by the democratic principles of guaranteeing and safeguarding citizens' rights and freedoms as per the Constitution and the International Agreements, guided by the task of making Bulgaria a democratic and constitutional state.
The UBJ protects the jurists' rights, helps improve their qualification and satisfy their professional, cultural and material needs. It promotes the people's law culture. In achieving its tasks, the UBJ explores the effectiveness of the laws in force and cooperates with other jurists' organizations, specialized state bodies, scientific institutes and public organizations and participates in international meetings related to its activity.
The UBJ issues two publications "Obshtestvo I pravo" and "Pravna tribuna" in order to popularize actual legal facts and to provide internal information of its members.
The UBJ is a member of a number of international organizations. Its major international activity is related to two of them - the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) and the European Lawyers' Association for Democracy and Human Rights (EALDH).
In 1993 it was one of the co-founders of the EALDH as a democratic confederation of diverse national associations of democratic lawyers.
The Union has been a member of the IADL since its establishment in 1966. Ever since the UBJ has played an active role in the activities of the association and its representatives are member of the International Bureau. As a result of this long standing collaboration was organized the International Conference "Embargo and International Law. Contemporary problems", held in Sofia in 2001.

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