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Diplomatic Club No 2 meeting: The Possible Developments in the Bulgarian Electoral Law
On November 22, 2000, the Center for the Study of Democracy hosted a meeting on The Possible Developments in the Bulgarian Electoral Law, initiated by Club 2 of Diplomats and its President Mr. Vincenzo Celeste for launching a series of discussions on issues of importance for this country.

Dr. Mikhail Konstantinov, Member of the Central Electoral Commission, outlined the main characteristics of the electoral environment in this country and in the Balkan Region. He introduced the prospects for its further development and the initiative for the codification of Bulgarian electoral laws. Mr. Dimitar Abadzhiev, MP and Deputy Chair of the Council of European Affairs to the Parliament discussed possible developments in the law as regards distant voting and voter admission procedures. Mr. Ivailo Kalfin, National Coordinator of Social Democrats Political Movement, outlined his vision on the possible results of the forthcoming elections and the policy that the major political parties may follow during the election campaign and after.

During the discussion that followed, the guest-speakers answered the questions of the diplomats regarding the need of possible changes in the Constitution in view of reforming the electoral system and more specially towards majority voting, the loss of votes as a result of voting for parties, which do not make it to Parliament, voter turn out trends, the political parties' access to media during the pre-election period, the ID verification of voters, etc.
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