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Summer Seminar: Preparation for EU Accession
A summer seminar for young Bulgarian and Romanian public servants Preparation for EU Accession was held on September 17 - 23, 2001. The seminar took place for three days in Albena, Bulgaria, and two days in Mangalia, Romania, and was organized by the Economic Policy Institute in Sofia in cooperation with the Eurisc Foundation in Bucharest within the joint project of the Bertelsmann Foundation and the World Bank Towards European Integration - Network for Integration of Central and Eastern European Countries into the European Union. The seminar was also supported by the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The event focused on specific issues and the participants elaborated on opportunities and challenges posed by the negotiations process, shared by Bulgaria and Romania, in order to acquire knowledge from domestic and foreign experts and professionals and find and transfer best practice solutions. The initiative proved to be an excellent instrument to facilitate discussions and create an environment for dialogue and networking - in both formal and unofficial way.

The agenda of the seminar included the following main topics:

  • Accession Negotiations: Current State and Future Agenda
  • The Nice Summit and the Consequences for an Enlarged EU
  • Economic Issues of EU Enlargement
  • Eastern Enlargement and Security Issues
  • Energy Efficiency and the Renewable Energy in the Context of the Environmental Friendly Use of Energy
  • Minorities and Labor Migration
  • European and National Identity
  • The Constitutional Debate - Models of the Future Enlarged EU

The seminar included a number of presentations by Bulgarian and Romanian representatives as well as experts from other European countries including H.E. Dr. Georg Potika, Ambassador of Republic of Austria in Bulgaria; Mr. Martin Kremer from the Planning Staff, Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany; Mr. Petr Drulak from the Institute of International Relations in Prague, Czech Republic; Mr. Antti Uusi-Hakala, Director of Regional Development, Ministry of Interior of Finland; Mr. Panagiotis Liargovas, Lecturer in the University of Thessaly and Research Fellow to the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Greece; Prof. Andras Inotai, General Director, Institut for World Economics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Mr. Wim van Meurs and Mr. Martin Brusis from the Center for Applied Policy Research in Munich, Germany; Mr. Thomas Fischer, Director, Governance Studies, Bertelsmann Foundation, Germany; Ms. Maya Koteva, Economic Advisor, Delegation of the European Commission to Bulgaria; Mr. Krassimir Nikolov, Center for European Studies and Information, Bulgaria; Mr. Dan Oprescu, Chief, National Office for Roma, Romania, etc.

Mr. Dimitar Markov from the Law Program of the Center for the Study of Democracy and Ms. Daniela Heimerl from the Centre for Research and Documentation on the former USSR, Eastern Europe and China (CEDUCEE), France, made presentations on the cross-border cooperation in the field of Customs Control with a special focus on combating cross-border criminality.
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