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Presentation of the Program for Judicial Reform to No. 2 Diplomatic Club
On February 23, 2000, the Center for the Study of Democracy hosted a meting on the judicial reform in Bulgaria initiated by the Club 2 of Diplomats and its President Mr. Vincenzo Celeste for launching a series of discussions on issues of importance for this country.

Dr. Maria Yordanova, Coordinator of the Judicial Reform Initiative (JRI), presented its history and activities for the last year. JRI is a joint endeavor of eight non-government organizations, representatives of state institutions and experts. It is targeted at strengthening the judicial reform legal basis in Bulgaria and to constitute a document - Program for Judicial Reform, streamlining the main consensus priorities of the reform:

1. Reforming Civil Law and Procedure;

2. Reforming Penal Law and Procedure;

3. Reforming Administrative Law and Procedure;

4. Reforming Court Administration;

5. Education and Training of Magistrates;

6. Opening of the Judiciary to the Society.

Justice Roumen Nenkov, Chairman of the Second Division of the Criminal College of the Supreme Court of Cassation, presented the main aspects of the drafted Program for Judicial Reform. The Program aims to complement the efforts of Bulgarian government and to contribute to the building-up of adequate institutions in the country. This is also one of the priorities in the country's accession process to the EU. The structure of the court system was presented with an emphasis on the need for reforming the court administration as well as the need to provide training for magistrates and court candidates, to increase the responsibility of magistrates and to draft a Code of Conduct.
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