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International conference: Establishment of Ombudsman Institution in Bulgaria
Establishment of Ombudsman Institution in Bulgaria titled the international conference, held in the National Assembly in Sofia on November 24, 2000. It was jointly organized by the Parliamentary Commission on Human Rights, Religions, Complaints and Petitions of the Citizens, American Bar Association - Central and East European Law Initiative, Union of Jurists in Bulgaria and Center for the Study of Democracy.

The Head of the Parliamentary Group of the Union of Democratic Forces Ms. Ekaterina Mihailova, and the Chairman of the Supreme Administrative Court Mr. Vladislav Slavov opened the conference, emphasizing on the significance of the ombudsman institution for the protection of human rights.

The Ombudsman of Greece Professor Nikiforos Diamandouros introduced the Greek experience with the functioning of this institution in Greece as of 1998. He also made comprehensive comments and recommendations on the Bulgarian Draft Law on the Ombudsman.

Ms. Hanne Juncher, Directorate General of Human Rights to the Council of Europe briefed the participants with the ombudsman related activities carried out within the Council of Europe.

Bulgarian Draft Law on the Ombudsman was presented by the members of the Task Force to the Center for the Study of Democracy: Dr. Maria Yordanova, Head of CSD Law Program, Mr. Borislav Belazelkov, Justice in the Supreme Court of Cassation and Dr. Silvy Chernev, Deputy Chair of the Court of Arbitration with the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Ms. Anelia Toshkova, MP and member of the Parliamentary Commission on Human Rights, Religions, Complaints and Petitions of the Citizens explained the benefits of the ombudsman institution for the balanced relations between state and society.

The experience of Coalition 2000 and other non-governmental organizations with the establishment of local ombudsman institutions was presented by the Coordinator of Coalition 2000 Dr. Zhivka Damianova and the Director of the Center for Social Practices Dr. Evgenii Dainov.

The discussion that followed focused on the relations between the ombudsman and the Courts as a traditional rights protection mechanism, the status and powers of the ombudsman and the significance of the person of the first elected ombudsman for the credibility of the institution.

The conference was closed by the Head of the Parliamentary Commission on Human Rights, Religions, Complaints and Petitions of the Citizens Mr. Ivan Soungarski, who appreciated the contribution of non-governmental organizations to the development of the draft law and expressed his hope for the adoption of an effective and working law.

Available in Bulgarian
Full records of the discussion in PDF (581 kb)
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