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Second Coordination Meeting on IT for Development

On March 8, 2001 the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Sofia Office and the Center for the Study of Democracy held a second coordination meeting on IT for Development. It was chaired by Mr. Antonio Vigilante, UNDP Resident Representative, and CSD President Mr. Ognian Shentov and was attended by representatives of the major donors in the country, NGOs active in the IT area and representatives of the IT private sector.

The meting provided an opportunity to exchange views and generate ideas for future public-private sector co-operation and facilitated the information exchange on IT issues.

Mr. Vigilante outlined the goal of this meeting as the strengthening of the public- private partnership in the IT area with an eye toward development in the country, while Mr. Shentov accentuated on the government's "Program 2005" which will have a strong IT component, with -40 million put toward "wiring schools", and the Ministry of Transport and Communication will do a briefing in March on the IT components of the Program.

The main findings from the questionnaires gathered prior the meeting were summarized and final recommendations were presented; key issues, proposals and initiatives for the country's further IT development were discussed.

It was agreed nominations for participants in the policy group to be submitted by mid-week, and the group to be formed from the business community and public sector with support of UNDP.

For more information see the Meeting Agenda, Minutes and Participants' List

See First IT Meeting

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