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Information Conference on the Revised European Social Charter

Information conference on the Revised European Social Charter took place in Sofia on 22-23 November, 2001 in the Center for the Study of Democracy, the hosting organization of the Council of Europe Information and Documentation Center in Sofia. The conference was organized by the Council of Europe and it brought together members of the Bulgarian Ratification Committee with international experts - Mr. Stefano Piedimonte, Representative from the Secretariat of the European Social Charter, Mrs Marie-Paule Urbain, Vice-President of the Governmental Committee of the European Social Charter, and Mr Jean-Francois Akandji-Kombe, professor in law and Director of the DESS of Fundamental rights, University of Caen.

The first Bulgarian report under the Revised Charter is due by 31 March, 2002 and it will deal with "non hard-core" provisions. The purpose of the seminar was to ensure that the report contains all the relevant information in order to allow the most accurate assessment of the conformity of the Bulgarian situation with the revised Charter by the European Committee of Social Rights. After an initial overview of the supervisory mechanism by the CoE experts, the Bulgarian Committee on the European Social Charter gave a presentation of the work already performed in the drafting of the report and of the inherent difficulties.

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