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South East Europe Strategic on Social Cogesion Employment Network Meeting





The Council of Europe launched in 2000-2001 a Strategic Review on South East Europe as its contribution to the Social Cohesion Initiative of the Stability Pact. In its first stage, the Strategic Review on Social Cohesion is composed of a series of thematic networks on employment, housing, health, and social protection. The goal of this first stage is to review the current situation and challenges of a specific topic relevant to the policy area of the particular thematic network. A particular objective of the Strategic Review is to develop and reinforce a dynamic of co-operation between research specialists and policy-makers both within and between states participating in the Review. Within the context of each specific topic, the network should also examine existing methods of information gathering (data collection), data analysis and the links with policy development with a view to developing systems, which will ensure rapid and effective policy solutions to emerging challenges to social cohesion. In its second stage, the Strategic Review will examine the links between the individual reviews of the thematic networks and develop appropriate cross-disciplinary strategies - particular attention being given to enhancing the institutional capacity of the states participating in the Review.

The first meeting of the Employment Network took place in Sofia on 24-26 October, 2001 in the Center for the Study of Democracy, the hosting organization of the Council of Europe Information and Documentation Center in Sofia. The seminar brought together national experts and senior officials responsible for analysis and policy development from each of the following countries: Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Moldova.

The Employment Network was supported by the Federal Ministry of Employment and Labor of Belgium.

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