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Assets Seizure in Europe: Legislative and Operational Instrument to Counter Corruption and Organized Crime
On March 2, 2004 Coalition 2000 organized a round table on the legislative and operational aspects of assets seizure. The discussion took place soon after the Bulgarian Draft Law on Forfeiture to the State of Any Property Acquired by Criminal Activity, developed by the Ministry of Interior, was adopted by the Government for submission to the Parliament. The event was a continuation of Coalition 2000’s efforts to contribute to the process of elaborating legal framework of assets forfeiture in Bulgaria.

The discussion brought together foreign experts, representatives of the legislature, the executive and the judiciary, lawyers, and representatives of civil organizations. The objective of the round table was to present the foreign experience in implementing assets forfeiture mechanisms and to discuss the latest version of the Bulgarian draft law, which was considerably improved following the two previous discussions on the subject, organized by Coalition 2000 in 2002.

Agenda and presentations
Summary of discussion
Brief Outline of Criminal Assets Bureau - Ireland (MS Word, 34, 5 kb)
The Role of the Criminal Assets Bureau Targeting the Financial Wealth of Criminals - presentation by Mr. Felix McKenna, Chief Bureau Officer, Criminal Assets Bureau of Ireland (MS PowerPoint, 1,3 Mb)
The Discovery and Seizure of Assets Within the Framework of the International Cooperation - presentation by Mr. Miguel Angel Alonso Rodriguez, Chief Inspector of the Judicial Police, National Police of Spain (MS PowerPoint, 427 kb)
Bulgarian Draft Law on the Forfeiture of Criminal Assets (MS Word, 82 kb)

Previous discussions
Round table discussion: Draft Law on the Forfeiture to the State of Any Property Acquired by Criminal Activity - September 10, 2002

Round table discussion: Draft Law on Forfeiture to the State of Any Property Acquired by Criminal Activity - October 1, 2002

Foreign legislation
Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime, Council of Europe
European Convention on the Suppression of Terrorism, Council of Europe
Agreement on Illicit Traffic by Sea, Implementing Article 17 of the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (ETS no. 156)
Recommendation Rec(2001)11 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States Concerning Guiding Principles on the Fight against Organised Crime
The International Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention
Conventions against Terrorism, United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention
Follow-The-Money Methods In Crime Control Policy by R.T. Naylor, Professor of Economics, McGill University, A study prepared for the Nathanson Centre for the Study of Organized Crime and Corruption, York University, Toronto, December, 1999

Loi du 15 novembre 2001 - textes relatifs à la recherche et à la saisie des fonds utilisés par les organisations terroristes (MS Word, 27 kb)
Evolution de la lutte contre la delinquance financiere et le crime organise (MS Word, 29 kb)
Les groupes d'intervention régionaux (MS Word, 27 kb)
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