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Corrupt Practices and Prevention of Corruption

1. Corruption as a Social Phenomenon
Andrey Nonchev

1.1. Definitions of Corruption
1.2. Typology of Corruption
1.3. Causes and Factors for Corruption
1.4. Scope of Corruption
1.5. Forms of Corruption
1.6. Motivation for Corrupt Behavior

2. Corruption as a Phenomenon in the Transition Countries
Emil Tsenkov

2.1. Totalitarian Heritage
2.2. Corruption in Transition
2.3. Prerequisites for Corruption in Transition Countries
2.4. Specific Corruption Mechanisms
2.5. “State Capturing” Phenomenon
2.6. Specifics of Corruption in the Post-Communist States
2.7. Public-Private Partnership in Countering Corruption

3. Grey economy, Contraband and Corruption
Petkan Iliev

3.1 Grey Economy and Corruption
3.2. Contraband and Corruption
4. Monitoring of corruption
Andrey Nonchev

4.1. Reasons to Monitor Corruption
4.2. Methods and Practices of Corruption Monitoring
4.3. National Corruption Monitoring (Corruption Monitoring System of Coalition 2000)
4.4. Regional Corruption Monitoring (Corruption Monitoring in Southeast Europe – SELDI)
4.5. International Comparative Surveys of Corruption (Corruption Indexes of Transparency International)

5. Financial Control in the Ministry of Defense as an Instrument to Counter Corruption and Prevent Crime
Evgeni Ananiev

6. Transparency and Accountability of Defense and Procurement Expenditure – Factor to Curbing Corruption
Yantsislav Yanakiev

7. Mechanisms to Counteract Corruption within the Ministry of Defense and the Bulgarian Army
Nikolay Yordanov
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