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Working meeting: Introduction of anticorruption education in secondary schools
On February 19, 2004, the first expert group meeting on anticorruption education in secondary schools took place at the Center for the Study of Democracy. The expert group was established in the framework of Coalition 2000’s program for prevention and fight against corruption through the introduction of anticorruption education at all levels in the Bulgarian educational system.

As a result of the lively discussion, the general parameters of the work of the group were outlined, as well as the scope of problems and spheres in the secondary education, which generate conditions for the flourishing of corruption practices. The scientific and practical potential of the expert group to elaborate a proposal for specific changes in this direction was identified. Changes should aim at the improvement of the institutional and regulatory basis of the Bulgarian educational system, at ensuring a suitable learning environment at school and appropriate communication between teachers, parents and pupils.

Coalition 2000 proposed the compilation of a consensus document on the stated problems, which should be introduced to the Anticorruption Coordination Commission with the Council of Ministers and to the Ministry of Education and Science as a civic stand on the Strategy for the Development of the Secondary Education in Bulgaria and with a view to the implementation of the National Anticorruption Strategy.
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