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Press conference to present the Corruption Indexes of Coalition 2000 for the second quarter of 2004
The last Coalition 2000’s corruption indexes of the business sector were presented on May 12, 2004 in the Center for the Study of Democracy.

According to Mr Martin Dimov, senior researcher at Vitosha Research, the latest data, obtained in the period March 30 – April 20, 2004, show some interesting trends:

- In comparisons to some previous surveys business’ assessments of the level of corruption are more favorable. The number of actual corruption deals decreases as the frequency of cases, in which additional unofficial payments have been made for winning public procurement bids or obtaining contracts with larger companies;

- The business seems to have gained more confidence in the governmental anticorruption efforts since businessmen assess positively the work of the government in the area of anticorruption ;

- Beside the fact that the number actual bribes decreases, still the size of unofficial payments grows. Most of the services amount an average of 250 BGN, however there are other unofficial payments which amount depends on the size of the deal and its significance. At example payments in the area of public procurement are traditionally high: sixth out of ten businessmen have paid an amount higher than 1000 BGN, while one fifth of all businessmen, who have obtained such a procurement deal have given bribes in amounts of more than 5000 BGN. This comes to explain the fact that beside positive assessments of the level of corruption the business remains skeptical about the possibilities of the government to limit corruption. The businessmen remain critical and define corruption as the most serious problem in the country.

Corruption Indexes of Coalition 2000, April 2004 (PDF, 382 kb)

Corruption Indexes of Coalition 2000, February 2004 (PDF, 364 kb)

Corruption Indexes of Coalition 2000, November 2003 (PDF, 349 kb)

Corruption Indexes of Coalition 2000, June 2003 (PDF, 683 kb)

Corruption Indexes of Coalition 2000, March 2003 (PDF, 647 kb)
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