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Round Table: Bulgarian National Security Strategy
On 30th June 2010 the Center for the Study of Democracy hosted a discussion of the draft of the new national security strategy.
In his opening remarks Dr. Shentov, Chairman of the Center for the Study of Democracy, emphasized that the strategy should be a political document rather than an administrative one. It should contain clearly defined political goals and values, which in turn would determine the nature, structure and wording of the document.
The working group leader, Mr. Rumen Milanov, familiarized the audience with the philosophy of the project and elaborated on the main principles that had defined the form of the strategy.
The participants in the debate among which Ms. Avgustina Tsvetkova, Deputy Minister, Mr. Rumen Petkov, member of Parliament, the experts Mr. Nikolay Kamov, Mr. Slavcho Bosilkov, Mr. Ruslan Stefanov, Mr. Todor Galev, as well as representatives of various governmental institutions and the media agreed that the document contains valuable ideas and represents an important step towards defining of a new Bulgarian security strategy. They recommended some rearrangements in the priorities so that an emphasis is placed on the economic part of the strategy. The participants in the round table also suggested that a serious editing work should be done, which would render a better understanding of the document by the general public.

Agenda (Adobe PDF, 44 KB)
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