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Local Ombudsman in the Municipalities of the Rhodopa Region - Establishing A Successful Model of Monitoring, Civil Control and Partnership in the Local Self-government
In November 2002, the Bulgarian Youth League Stefan Stambolov, Smolyan, launched its anti-corruption project, supported by Coalition 2000, called "Local Ombudsman in the Municipalities of the Rhodopa Region - Establishing A Successful Model of Monitoring, Civil Control and Partnership in the Local Self-government".
A plan was prepared for the subjects to be discussed in the newly found specialized heading on corruption in "Rhodopi vest" local newspaper and in the specialized radio program on corruption at the "Contact" local radio station. The rubrics will provide information on the main points of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy and the progress of their implementation, the Local Ombudsman institution and the activities of the Public Anti-Corruption Councils. The rubrics will aim at influencing the local and state administration towards greater transparency in its work, and boosting the citizens' public activity. Information on the actions of the local government, on the level of public services and on corruption problems will periodically be made public through this new anti-corruption rubrics.

In February 2003, Bulgarian Youth League Stefan Stambolov will publish a brochure called "How to Proceed under Corruption Pressure" and distribute it to the town, village and school libraries as well as to all the concerned institutions.
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