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Round Table: Impact Assessment Methods
On 23 February 2012, the Center for the Study of Democracy held a round table focusing on the impact assessment process employed by Matrix Insight, UK. The special guests at the event were Mr. Usman Khan, Managing Director and Ms. Gabriele Birnberg, Principal Consultant at Matrix Insight, UK. They familiarized the audience with the company organization structure and its areas of consultancy. Mr. Khan and Ms. Birnberg furthermore presented methodological aspects and key findings of selected projects of Matrix Insight’s Crime and Justice unit. The dedicated team has conducted a number of research studies, evaluations and impact assessments related to the European Commission’s and its agencies’ public and internal affairs policies in the field of fraud prevention, immigration and asylum, illegal drug trade, procedural law and victims’ rights. One of the examples provided by the guests was a research study on the economic aspects of drug distribution in the UK. Matrix Insight collected and analyzed data on drug transaction ‘cycles’ based on interviews with incarcerated UK drug dealers.
Mr. Khan presented the phases involved in delivering a high quality impact assessment and its impact on developing policies at national and EU level. Ms. Birnberg touched upon the methods used in delivering an impact assessment, as well as the differences between impact assessment and evaluation.

Agenda (Adobe PDF, 23,3 KB)
Presentation by Mr. Usman Khan, Managing Director and Ms. Gabriele Birnberg, Principal Consultant, Matrix Insight, UK (Adobe PDF, 3,86 MB)
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