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Public Discussion: Corruption and Organised Crime in Europe - Illegal Partnerships
On 3 July 2012, at the Red House Centre for Culture and Debate in Sofia, the Center for the Study of Democracy presented the new book edited by CSD’s Senior Analyst Dr. Philip Gounev and by Prof. Vincenzo Ruggiero of Middlesex University (UK) Corruption and Organized Crime in Europe: Illegal Partnerships (London: Routledge, 2012).

The discussion panel was mediated by Mr. Rosen Bosev, Investigative Journalist at Capital, and included Dr. Gounev, Mr. Tihomir Bezlov, Senior Analyst at the Center for the Study of Democracy, and Mr. Pierre Salduci, Customs Attaché for the Balkans of the French Customs. In addition to academics and representatives of civil society, the discussion was attended by representatives of the Chief Directorate for Combating Organised Crime, Internal Security Directorate of the Ministry of Interior, the Customs Agency, Specialised Prosecution for Organised Crime, Supreme Cassation Prosecution.

Dr. Gounev and Mr. Bezlov outlined the main issues related to historic, cultural, economic and political factors that influence the way in which organised criminals use corruption across Europe. They emphasized the different definitional and conceptual discourses on corruption and organised crime, in particular how crimes of the elites / white-collar crimes are treated. Mr. Salduci explained how the political-criminal nexus in Marseille and Corsica functions, and the historical and cultural factors that support the corrupt environment in the region.

Discussion: Corruption and Organized Crime in Europe - What, How and Why is it Different? (in Bulgarian) - video (Part 1)
Discussion: Corruption and Organized Crime in Europe - What, How and Why is it Different? (in Bulgarian) - video (Part 2)
Media Coverage (in Bulgarian)
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