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Sociological Program: 2009 - ANNUAL ACTIVITIES

Since mid-2009 the Sociological Program has resumed its activity as an autonomous unit within the Center for the Study of Democracy focusing its activities on research projects of a more academic nature and the analysis of socio-economic phenomena at the national and/or European level. In this context, in its activities the Sociological Program has emphasized several key priorities:

2009 Highlights

  • Evaluation of public policies and programs. Development of a methodology and indicators for monitoring and evaluating policies and practices in several key areas of socio-economic life: justice and home affairs, public procurement, tenders for EU structural funds, etc. Publication of a manual Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies and Programs.
  • Policies for the integration of immigrants and refugees. CSD has completed an analysis of the information needs related to the policies and measures for the integration of third country nationals and proposals for their optimization. The study included the development of a methodology and indicators for the evaluation and impact assessment of the results of policies for the integration of immigrants as well as conducting evaluations and social impact assessments of integration policies and their effects upon third country nationals and society as a whole.
  • Science communication in society. Conducting research in the field of science communication and technological development. Theoretical and practical training of Bulgarian and European scientists in the field of science communication conducted by CSD experts.
  • Enhancement of the methodological and expert capacity of the Sociological program in several fields:
    - Monitoring and estimating the hidden economy;
    - Conducting victimization and criminological research;
    - Foresight methods;
    - Advocating civic activism and responsible social policies;
    - Promoting human rights and the protection of vulnerable groups.
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