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Sociological Program: 2012 - ANNUAL ACTIVITIES

In 2012, the Sociological Program focused on the following key topics: integration of migrants and vulnerable groups, protection of human rights and evaluation of public policies.

2012 Highlights

  • Policies for the integration of of migrants and vulnerable groups: Throughout the past year the Sociological Program continued its work in the fields of migration and integration by coordinating research projects at the national and European levels. The program established methods and indicators to assess the results and impacts of different policies for integration of migrants and other vulnerable groups. Special attention was paid to current victim assistance programs and the degree of sustainable reintegration in society of child victims of trafficking in both source and destination countries.
  • The Sociological Program began a research on the causes of destitution and homelessness among migrants, with a focus on the Bulgarian Roma migrant community in Italy and France.
  • The Sociological Program continued its research on social inclusion/exclusion of the traditional ethnic minorities in the country. Pending study on the health status of Bulgaria’s Roma minority will identify inequalities and explanatory factors as well as mechanisms for data collection and monitoring as part of EU 27 research on Roma health.
  • Promoting and protecting human rights:. The Sociological Program applied qualitative and quantitative methods in studying human rights awareness and discrimination practices among police officers. The impact of human rights training was assessed in three regions in Bulgaria.
  • Prevention of Internet bullying behaviour:. The Sociological program, together with the Bulgarian Safer Internet Center (SIC) continued their work to help young people, school teachers, counsellors and parents in identifying the danger and risk associated with harassment and violent behaviour on the Internet. Teachers and students from various schools in the country were trained to recognize the risk of cyberbullying.
  • Evaluation of public policies and programs. The Sociological Program enhanced its capacity to develop methods and indicators for the monitoring and evaluation of public policies in several key fields, such as migration and integration, justice and home affairs, and violence against children.
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