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5th Annual Meeting of the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the Steering Group of the Anti-Corruption Network for Transition Economies (ACN) organized the 5th Annual Meeting of the Network, which was held at the OECD Centre for Private Sector Development in Istanbul, Turkey, on 10 - 12 September, 2003.

The Annual Meeting served as a forum for stocktaking, sharing of experience and lessons learned in the anti-corruption field. The meeting provided an overview of the latest developments and emerging issues on the regional anti-corruption agenda and reported on achievements of regional initiatives and international anti-corruption programs in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, and the New Independent States (NIS). It did so by bringing together representatives of national governments and civil society organizations from the 24 Network countries, as well as from international organizations, NGOs and bilateral and multilateral donor agencies. Mr. Boyko Todorov, member of the Steering Committee of Coalition 2000 took part in the meeting.

A series of plenary and breakout sessions addressed issues such as the measurement of corruption political party and campaign financing, management of conflict of interest, budget transparency, corruption in the public sector service delivery, lessons learned from the work of specialized agencies and the involvement of the private sector in fighting corruption.

The meeting was particularly important in that it saw the ministerial level endorsement of a new sub-regional Initiative for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and Tajikistan, the idea for which had been launched at the 2002 meeting.

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