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Seminar Transparent Actions – Responsible Solutions
On September 10-11, 2003, the Foundation for Local Government Reform (FLGR) organized a seminar called Transparent Actions – Responsible Solutions, which aimed at facilitating the exchange of experience and ensuring wide support to the initiatives for transparency and accountability in the work of the local self-government.

The seminar was organized in the framework of the FLGR’s program Local Government Information Network – LOGIN implemented with the financial support of the Open Society Institute and the American Agency for International Development. During the seminar the Annual Award Innovative Municipality 2003 of the FLGR for innovative practices representing effective mechanisms for transparency, responsibility and accountability of local authorities was announced.

More than 60 representatives of the local authorities, state institutions and non-governmental organizations took part in the seminar.

During the seminar four of Coalition 2000’s local partners were nominated for innovative practices representing effective mechanisms for transparency, responsibility and accountability of local authorities. Those were:

• The Center for the Study of Political Processes, Shoumen, Representatives of the CSPP, Shoumen, received a certificate for best innovative practice was conferred a certificate for best innovation practice Civic Observer. The major problem which this project is aimed at is the timely notification of citizens as to the occurrence of significant public problems and the establishment of a quick feedback between citizens and the local authorities. (for more information: contact Mr. Georgi Georgiev, Executive Director of the Center for the Study of Political Processes at +359 54 32039 or e-mail pprc_sh@yahoo.com)

Meeting of the secondary school club Philosophy The Culture and City Foundation, Varna, was nominated for the project “Initiative for Civic Culture”. The foundation established a running regional network for cooperation between schools and the local authorities institutions, like Varna Court, the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, Varna, the Governor of Varna District. (for more information: contact Mr. Ljubomir Koutin at tel. +359 889 818 905 or e-mail l_koutin@abv.bg)

• The Regional Business Center for Supporting Small and Medium Enterprises, Pernik, in cooperation with the Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development, was nominated for the project “Countering Corruption at the Municipal Level – Anti-corruption Measures in the Pernik region Municipalities” , addressed at the local business sector, non-governmental organizations, the local administration and the media with the aim of activating the dialogue and cooperation between the administration, the business and civil society towards the creation of normative and public mechanisms for curbing corruption practices at the local and municipal level. (for more information: contact Ms. Svetlana Paunova at tel. +359 76 601 386 or at e-mail Svetlana_r_p@abv.bg)

Bulgarian Youth League “Stefan Stambolov” , Smolyan, was nominated for the project Round Table in the Municipality Banite on Citizens and Local Authorities “Local Ombudsman in the Rhodopa Region Municipalities – Establishing a Best-Practice Model for Monitoring, Civil Control and Partnership” which aims at enhancing the transparency of local authorities, and boosting civic action, as well as institutionalizing the institution local mediator (or local ombudsman) in the municipalities Chepelare, Banite and Nedelino, establishing a best-practice model for monitoring, civil control and partnership, and finally curbing and preventing corruption in the municipalities Chepelare, Banite, Nedelino and Smolyan. (for more information: contact Mr. Dejan Ashkov, Chair of Bulgarian Youth League at +395 888 850 844 or +395 887 488 365)

Dr. Zhivka Damyanova Dr. Zhivka Damyanova, expert of the anticorruption initiative Coalition 2000 , presented the Local Anti-Corruption Electronic Network (LACEN) established and maintained by the Coalition. Details on LACEN

A team of the Open Government Initiative project presented the 3-year USAID-financed project, which supports the efforts of the BulgarianOGI team government and civil society in the sphere of open government and fighting corruption. The Open Government Initiative works with Bulgarian National Audit Office, the Public Procurement Directorate, the Agency for State Internal Financial Control and selected ministries; it also supports the activities of the non-governmental anticorruption initiative Coalition 2000.
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