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Workshop on Assessment of the Integration Measures for Vulnerable Migrant Groups
On the 2 and 3 of October, 2014 the Center for the Study of Democracy together with the People for Change Foundation conducted a second workshop as part of the ASSESS project aiming at monitoring the integration of vulnerable migrant groups in ten EU Member States. The primary focus of the meeting, that was conducted in Malta, was to present and discuss the methodology for Monitoring the Integration of Vulnerable Migrants and to discuss progress results from national studies under the same Methodology. The participants of the partners meeting were Dr. Mila Mancheva and Dr. Andrey Nanchev (CSD, Bulgaria), Christine Cassar, Dr. Jean-Pierre Gauci and Andrew Vassallo (People for Change Foundation, Malta), Anna Italia and Luigi Bellesi (CENSIS, Italy), Jennifer Zuppiroli (ACCEM, Spain), Dr. Dia Anagnostou and Eda Gemi (ELIAMEP, Greece), Timea Stranska and Romana Medvedova (People in Need, Slovakia), Sussane Kimm (Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights, Austria), Myroslava Keryk (Lazarski University, Poland), Dr. Vera Messing and Zsuzsa Arenda’s (CPS-CEU, Hungary), as well as Joris Michelsen and Rut van Cavdenberg (CeMIS, Belgium). The meeting was joined by Ruth Rosenberg from the Advisory Board.

The partners’ meeting was opened by Dr. Jean-Pierre Gauci (PfC, Malta) and Dr. Mila Mancheva (CSD, Bulgaria). Following the workshop opening, Christine Cassar (PfC, Malta), and Jean-Pierre Gauci (PfC, Malta), coordinated a discussion between partners about the most important findings from the study on national monitoring mechanisms on migrant integration. Following this, Andrew Vassallo (PfC, Malta) presented the comparative report on monitoring mechanisms based on the ten national studies. The discussion that followed focused on the question of how the comparative report reflected the national contexts of the ten participating EU states. Workshop participants agreed on the general conclusion that although some countries (such as Austria and Belgium) appear advanced in the area of migrant integration monitoring, in most countries the level of effort by governments to address monitoring and integration and even less the integration of vulnerable migrant groups is low.

Dr. M. Mancheva (CSD, Bulgaria) presented the methodology for Phase 2 of the ASSESS project. The presented Methodology served to open a discussion about different data collection methods and the values and limitations of existing data sources in the ten participating EU states.

In the afternoon session, the project partners presented their progress on the national research and preliminary findings for Phase 2 of the project. Most were based on desk research and national stakeholders meetings. The main suggestions to enrich the national studies included the recommendation to conduct interviews with migrants in addition to those with national stakeholders, and to reflect on the political context when analysing key reasons for certain policies or lack thereof.

The second day sessions included presentation on Guidelines for Collection of Good Practises in the area of (vulnerable) migrants’ integration and monitoring of migrant integration, presented by Dr. Jean-Pierre Gauci (PfC, Malta) and Mrs. Susanne Kimm (BIM, Austria). The presentation included an explanation of the criteria for the identification of promising practices as well as information on how the data is to be collected and presented. A discussion ensued regarding some relevant recommendations for finalisation of the document.

The workshop concluded with agreement on a number of elaborations in the Guidelines for Identification of Good Practices. An agreement was reached to elaborate the guide for the analysis of the national research results in the Methodology for Monitoring the Integration of (vulnerable) Migrants.
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