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GREY Working Paper No. 3: Tackling the Undeclared Economy in FYR Macedonia, a Baseline Assessment
Full text of the working paper (Adobe PDF, 1.7 MB)

This working paper is an output of the European Commission’s FP7 "Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways" (IAPP) project entitled "GREY - Out of the shadows: developing capacities and capabilities for tackling undeclared work in Bulgaria, Croatia and FYR Macedonia". Ms Rositsa Dzhekova and Mr. Lyubo Mishkov, Center for the Study of Democracy, and Prof. Colin C. Williams and Mr. Josip Franic, GREY-IAPP, Sheffield University Management School, University of Sheffield elaborated the report in July 2014.

This report provides a detailed review of available evidence on the extent and nature of the undeclared economy in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), as well as on the institutional actors involved in tackling the phenomenon and their policy approach and measures used.
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