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Information day for promoting the ombudsman institution in the city of Russe
An information day for promoting the ombudsman institution on local level took place on December 12, 2003, in the city of Russe.

The event was organized jointly by CSD and Bulgarian Association for Fair Elections and Civil Rights - Razgrad Club and was aimed at speeding up the public dialogue on introducing the ombudsman institution on both national and local level. Guests at the information day were mayors and municipal councillors (including the Secretary of Russe municipal council Mr. Atanas Georgiev) from different municipalities in the district of Rousse, NGO and media representatives, citizens.

Ms. Anelia Atanassova, Policy Team Leader at Local Government Initiative, presented the amendments of the Law on Local Self-Government and Local Administration and the possibilities they grant for introducing local ombudsman type institutions.

Sofia Municipality Public Mediator Ms. Antoaneta Tzoneva presented the experience and activities of the Office of Sofia Municipality Public Mediator.

The legal framework and the foreign practices of the citizens’ participation in the work of the local authorities, the successful experience in establishing the ombudsman institution on local level of several Bulgarian municipalities and the relevant and useful foreign practices were among the issues discussed at the event.

The participants unanimously shared the opinion that the introduction of the institution of public mediator in the municipality of Russe is of great significance for efficient protection of citizens’ rights, counteraction of maladministration and improvement of the interaction between the administration and citizens.

Agenda of the information day
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