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Mapping reports on social orientation in twelve EU Member States
Experts from six EU Member States – Bulgaria, Belgium, Greece, Austria, Romania and Latvia – led by the Center for the Study of Democracy completed the mapping of the systems of social orientation for non-nationals in twelve EU Member States. The overviews concerned the legal framework under which social orientation is delivered, the course/module providers, the audience targeted by the social orientation efforts. Description is given of the courses’ most important parameters, such as length, format and language of delivery. The social orientation content is elaborated upon in detail, including the modules’ aims, themes covered, teaching methods and participation of the host society. The mapping covers both ‘typical’ social orientation courses and language tuition modules and will serve as basis for an in-depth analysis of fundamental rights components taught to non-nationals to steer them towards full fledged citizenship and empower them against racism and xenophobia.

Mapping of social orientation: the case of Austria (Adobe PDF, 384 KB, in English)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Austria (Adobe PDF, 259 KB, in German)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Belgium (Adobe PDF, 298 KB, in English)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Belgium (Adobe PDF, 314 KB, in Dutch)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Bulgaria (Adobe PDF, 425 KB, in English)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Bulgaria (Adobe PDF, 518 KB, in Bulgarian)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Cyprus (Adobe PDF, 234 KB, in English)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Germany (Adobe PDF, 332 KB, in English)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Germany (Adobe PDF, 342 KB, in German)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Estonia (Adobe PDF, 188 KB, in English)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Greece (Adobe PDF, 500 KB, in English)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Greece (Adobe PDF, 235 KB, in Greek)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Lithuania (Adobe PDF, 255 KB, in English)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Latvia (Adobe PDF, 536 KB, in English)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Latvia (Adobe PDF, 602 KB, in Latvian)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of the Netherlands (Adobe PDF, 177 KB, in English)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of the Netherlands (Adobe PDF, 179 KB, in Dutch)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Portugal (Adobe PDF, 239 KB, in English)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Romania (Adobe PDF, 271 KB, in English)
Mapping of social orientation: the case of Romania (Adobe PDF, 331 KB, in Romanian)
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