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South East Europe Electricity Roadmap until 2050: Decarbonization and Decentralization
Bulgaria faces the challenge to adapt the dynamically evolving European strategies and policies for a low carbon economy to its national priorities. The process of reaching the targets set by the EC reflects the regional characteristics of SEE and the technological potential of the Bulgarian economy and energy sector, which causes some tension between the market players, consumers and stakeholders, thus hindering adequate policy formulation and implementation.

In response to these challenges and the need for communication between the various stakeholders, the Center for the Study of Democracy organized a round table on South East Europe Electricity Roadmap until 2050: Decarbonization and Decentralization on 27 March 2018.

Experts from CSD presented their analysis based on an elaborate outlook for the development of the electricity sector in SEE until 2050. This was followed by a constructive discussion focusing on electricity market liberalization and the decarbonization and decentralization of electricity generation in order to identify possible solutions to respond to the existing regulatory and governance obstacles.

Agenda (Adobe PDF, 348 KB, in Bulgarian)

Presentation by Mr. Martin Vladimirov, Analyst, CSD Economic Program (Adobe PDF, 954 KB, in Bulgarian)
Presentation by Mr. Atanas Georgiev, Faculty of Economics, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" (Adobe PDF, 391 KB, in Bulgarian)

Policy note: Roadmap to Decarbonization (Adobe PDF, 573 KB)

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