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Analysis of social orientation in six EU Member States
Experts from six EU Member States – Bulgaria, Belgium, Greece, Austria, Romania and Latvia – led by the Center for the Study of Democracy completed the analysis of the systems of social orientation for non-nationals in the participating countries under the initiative ‘Preventing and Combatting Racism and Xenophobia through Social Orientation of Non-Nationals – RACCOMBAT’. The publications look at how social orientation and language courses and modules tackle subjects like protection against discrimination, powers and functions of law enforcement and the judiciary, what procedures are in place in cases of violations of foreigners’ rights and how they can get legal aid. Based on this detailed review, experts make an assessment as to how social orientation of non-nationals can empower them against racism and xenophobia and prepare them for full fledged participation and integration in the life of the host community.

Analysing social orientation: the case of Austria (Adobe PDF, 396 КB, in English)
Analysing social orientation: the case of Austria (Adobe PDF, 414 КB, in German)
Analysing social orientation: the case of Belgium (Adobe PDF, 285 КB, in English)
Analysing social orientation: the case of Belgium (Adobe PDF, 593 КB, in Dutch)
Analysing social orientation: the case of Bulgaria (Adobe PDF, 349 КB, in English)
Analysing social orientation: the case of Bulgaria (Adobe PDF, 370 KB, in Bulgarian)
Analysing social orientation: the case of Greece (Adobe PDF, 358 КB, in English)
Analysing social orientation: the case of Greece (Adobe PDF, 907 КB, in Greek)
Analysing social orientation: the case of Latvia (Adobe PDF, 588 КB, in English)
Analysing social orientation: the case of Latvia (Adobe PDF, 696 КB, in Latvian)
Analysing social orientation: the case of Romania (Adobe PDF, 402 КB, in English)
Analysing social orientation: the case of Romania (Adobe PDF, 471 КB, in Romanian)

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