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Financing of Organised Crime: Human Trafficking in Focus
Full text (Adobe PDF, 7.34 MB)
Financing of Trafficking in Human Beings in Belgium (Adobe PDF, 425 KB)
Financing of Trafficking in Human Beings in Bulgaria (Adobe PDF, 919 KB)
Financing of Trafficking in Human Beings in France (Adobe PDF, 467 KB)
Financing of Trafficking in Human Beings in Germany(Adobe PDF, 321 KB)
Financing of Trafficking in Human Beings in Italy (Adobe PDF, 1.26 MB)
Financing of Trafficking in Human Beings in the Netherlands(Adobe PDF, 585 KB)
Financing of Trafficking in Human Beings in Romania (Adobe PDF, 633 KB)
Financing of Trafficking in Human Beings in Spain (Adobe PDF, 435 KB)
Financing of Trafficking in Human Beings in the United Kingdom (Adobe PDF, 486 KB)

The report Financing of Organised Crime: Human Trafficking in Focus contributes to a better understanding of the financial aspects of this infamous phenomenon. The analysis explores the sources and mechanisms of the financing of trafficking in human beings, settlement of payments, access to financing in critical moments, costs of business, and the management of profits. The report draws on the findings of nine in-depth country case studies in Belgium, Bulgaria, Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Based on the results of the analysis and the examination of the current practices with regards to financial investigations, the report also suggests recommendations for tackling this crime.
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