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Workshop: Gender Equality and Women’s Rights
On October 23-24, 2003, a workshop on Gender Equality and Women’s Rights was held in the city of Veliko Turnovo. The workshop was organized jointly by the Center for the Study of Democracy and the Initiative for Sustainable Development Local Agenda 21 – Veliko Turnovo.

MPs from the region, representatives of the judiciary and the Ministry of Interior, municipal council candidates, civic education teachers, NGOs representatives, journalists took part in the event.

Ms. Elina Aleksandrova and Ms. Albena Rasheva from Veliko Turnovo University St. St. Cyril and Metodius presented the essence of the ombudsman institution as a mechanism for protection of women’s rights in Bulgaria and other European countries and its legal framework in Bulgaria – the Law on the Ombudsman, the Law on the Local Self-Government and Local Administration, the Law for Protection against Discrimination. The former anti-corruption ombudsman of Veliko Turnovo municipality Mr. Hristo Ormandzhiev reviewed the experience of ombudsman type institutions that have been established on the local level and and presented the good practices developed that could be used by the future local public mediators in their activity.

Prof. Margarita Kemalova from Veliko Turnovo University examined the issue of gender equality and the women’s rights protection within the context of the civic education in secondary schools, including the elaboration of students' textbooks and the dissemination of different educational papers on the topic.

Chief Assistant Violeta Stoicheva presented the project European Educational Initiative for Equal Opportunities.

The legislative practices and the actual equality of women in Bulgaria were the main topic of the presentation of Ms. Antoaneta Chakarova from Veliko Turnovo regional prosecution office. Mr. Dimitar Subev from the Regional Directorate of the Ministry of Interior spoke on the domestic violence against women and legislative decisions for counteracting such incidents.

Several initiatives, established on local level were presented and discussed during the seminar, among which were the opening of active telephone line for domestic violence signals, the setting up of social adaptation and assistance, etc.

The brochure Gender Equality and Ombudsman Institution. Mechanisms for Women’s Rights Protection was presented at the seminar.

Agenda of the seminar
Brochure: Gender Equality and Ombudsman Institution. Mechanisms for Women’s Rights Protection
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