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Round table: Anticorruption Education in Bulgaria
The round table discussion organized by Coalition 2000 on November 25, 2003 focused on anticorruption education and aimed to promote the launch of an anticorruption course in the curricula of high schools in Bulgaria.

The idea for public education and dissemination of information on corruption and anticorruption as one of the means for promoting the culture of intolerance against corruption practices underlies in the mission of Coalition 2000 since its very creation.

Following its mission, Coalition 2000 established an anticorruption education expert group, which prepared a second updated version of the Anticorruption education manual published in the year 2000. The manual is adapted for university curricula and includes chapters on corruption as a social phenomenon, anti-corruption strategies, the role of civil society in curbing corruption, and international practices in minimalization of the phenomenon. It was presented during the round table discussion, involving representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, university lecturers and representatives of the academic cyrcles.

All participants welcomed the idea of educating young people on corruption and anticorruption strategies, as a means for targeting future generations, which will one day either become civil servants or customers to the services offered by the state administration.

A number of opinions could be distinguished during the discussion: one part of the participants stood up for the establishment of a specific course on anticorruption in the curricular of universities; another part thought that students might not be an appropriate target group for such a program, which should rather be launched in the secondary school. Still a larger part of the participants stated that progress must be attained by smaller steps, therefore, at present, only elements of the anticorruption education should be included in the already established curricular of both secondary and high schools, such as Psychology, Ethics, Law and Civil Society.

Dr. Zhivka Damyanova, coordinator of the Anticorruption education expert group within the framework of Coalition 2000, suggested the constitution of a mixed working group for elaboration of a strategy for inclusion of the anticorruption education in the curricular of secondary schools, which was generally approved by all participants.

Anticorruption education manual 2003

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