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Public lecture: Political Transition, the Constitution and Good Governance in Spain
Prof. Josè Antonio Escudero, a former senator and a co-author of the modern Spanish Constitution, delivered a lecture about the Spanish experience in the process of its accession to the European Union, at the Center for Study of Democracy, on May 18, 2004. Dr Maria Yordanova, Director of CSD Law Program, and the Spainish Ambassador Jose Lopez-Jorrin opened the event and introduced the lecturer.

Prof. Escudero has made on overview of the historical context, in which the Spanish constitution of 1978 was elaborated. He emphasized the consensus achieved among the main political actors and the referendum held for the constitution as the main factors that ensured its stable functioning for decades to come. Each of the political parties had to give up some of their demands in such general questions as monarchy or republic or federation or unitary state, but only these compromises made this magical consensus possible, explained the professor.

In his response to a question concerning the risk of the EU integration process, delivered by prof. Dragomir Draganov prof. Escudero has pointed out the role of the integration process as a guarantee for the stability and unity of each nation.

He also recommended a consensus to be achieved in the election of the national ombudsman in Bulgaria. The success of the Spanish ombudsman - he said - is due to the fact that the person nominated and than elected was free of any partisan speculations or political associations. The national defender has to be regarded as a guarantee for human rights in a country, not as a prosecutor or politician – stated prof. Escudero.

Prof. Escudero is a former member of the Constitutional Commission at the Spanish Senate, which initiated changes in the Spanish constitution in 1978 and assisted the preparation of Spain for its membership in the European Union. Prof. Escudero has received a medal for his constitutional services and has been bestowed with multiple university awards for scientific achievements in the areas of law and history. He was elected two times a member of the European parliament, respectively in 1987 and 1999. He is also a member of the Royal Judiciary and Law Academy and the International Association Law History. Prof. Escudero is an author of 8 books and delivered lectures on Law History in universities in Spain, Germany, Austria, Great Britain and USA.
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