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History - Economic Program 1989-1993
The Beginning

1989-1993 Highlights

  • Privatization
  • Small Business Development
  • Economic Policy and Legislation
  • Institutional Reform
  • Legislative Reform

I. Economic Policy and Legislation

Privatization And Small Business Development In Bulgaria: First Steps And Policies

Privatization and Small Business Development in Bulgaria: First Steps and Policies was the first of a series of privatization efforts undertaken by the Economic Program of CSD. Initiated at the very beginning of the privatization process in the country (October 1991 - September 1992), this project aimed at formulating suggestions for developing an effective and viable legislative framework for privatization. Part of the research effort was concentrated on analysing privatization techniques applied in other Central and Eastern European countries and presenting practical recommendations to privatization authorities in Bulgaria. One of the main objectives was encouraging public awareness and consolidating public support for privatization in Bulgaria.

Analysis of privatization legislation and regulations

The draft proposals for the Law on privatization and formulation of recommendations to the Parliamentary Committee for Economic Policy were assessed by organizing of a public debate entitled The Dilemmas of the Privatization Law after the hasty passing of the law by parliament. The debate outlined the gaps and inconsistencies in the newly adopted legislation and generated considerable political and public support. There was also a discussion of the draft regulations on tenders, auctions and valuation mechanisms, subsequently adopted by the Council of Ministers.

Privatization And Institutional Reform In Bulgaria

The second privatization project was designed as a follow-up to the previous project Privatization and Small Business Development: First Steps and Policies and was carried out in the period October 1992 - September 1993. The project research team concentrated its efforts on the completion of the activities undertaken in the preceding period. This was gradually supplemented by new directions to the research and advocacy activities aimed at developing a clearly defined and efficient institutional framework for privatization in Bulgaria.

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II. Research and Advocacy Activities

In the period October 1991 - October 1992 two nationally representative surveys and three quota opinion polls were conducted. The surveys' aim was to outline public attitude towards privatization, economic decentralization and the transfer of ownership in Bulgaria (more). The carried out research activities in Privatization And Small Business Development In Bulgaria: First Steps And Policies included analyses of privatization legislation and regulations, of the overall political, social and economic environment for privatization and small business development, as well as the applicability of privatization techniques employed in Central Europe to the current environment in Bulgaria. These analyses enabled the research team to formulate policy recommendations concerning the development of privatization in Bulgaria. The main results from the year-long research were summarised in the final analytical report - the Policy Recommendation Paper. In the final Policy Recommendation Paper were also incorporated forecasts which identified the major factors expected to influence privatization and private sector development and the basic interrelation among these factors. Information was gathered using the opinion of 200 key policy-makers and experts.

The Research Activities of the second project were completion of the second nationally representative public opinion survey - data processing, analysis and dissemination of results. A quota opinion poll covered fifteen joint ventures operating in Bulgaria.

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III. Economic Program watchdog function - "Privatization Monitor"

The publishing of the Privatization Monitor - a weekly digest of media coverage on privatization issues - was initiated. The Monitor is widely circulated among policy-makers and key government officials, and together with the multitude of specialised seminars and discussions establishes CSD as a key contributor to privatization debate.

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IV. Dissemination, Education and Promotion

The dissemination and promotion of the findings, research team efforts and the privatization problem in general were implemented by international seminars and a press-conference, announcing the completion of the Final Policy Recommendation Paper and presenting its main findings and conclusions.

International Seminar on "Privatization and Economic Reform in Bulgaria"

The seminar was organised on June 3-5, 1993 and was attended by over a hundred Bulgarian government officials, Members of Parliament, municipal authorities representatives, trade unionists, experts and consultants, and a number of foreign experts. Discussion covered the development of the institutional framework for privatization, as well as new aspects such as institutional intermediaries in the privatization process - mutual and investment funds. Special attention was devoted to privatization of the financial system and encouraging municipal privatization in Bulgaria.

Monthly Privatization Seminar

Started in October 1991, the Monthly Privatization Seminar was regularly attended by researchers, government officials and experts. Discussion focused on current issues of privatization and efforts were mainly directed at elaborating policy recommendations for improvement of the legal, institutional and economic environment for privatization. Prominent foreign experts were frequently invited to attend the seminars thus enriching debate with additional perspectives and international experience.

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