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Assets forfeiture: a mechanism for combating corruption and organized crime
A discussion on the assets forfeiture as a mechanism for combating corruption and organized crime with the participation of Mr. Heiner Boxleitner, Chief Criminal Commissioner of Bavaria, was held on June 3, 2004, at the Center for the Study of Democracy. The event was organized by Coalition 2000 as part of its continuing efforts in support of the introduction of assets seizure mechanisms in Bulgaria, in particular through the adoption of a Law on Forfeiture of Criminal Assets.

Mr. Boxleitner described the development of the legal framework of assets forfeiture and confiscation in Germany, especially the provision on “extended forfeiture” in the German Criminal Code.

He pointed that the main purpose of the various mechanisms and measures for criminal assets forfeiture is to interrupt the possibility for such resources to be reinvested in the economic turnover and to reinstate the offender in the economic position preceding the illegal acquirement of these assets.

Mr. Boxleitner acquainted the participants with the work of the Bavarian Criminal Service and presented some statistics proving its efficiency in the field of criminal assets forfeiture, e.g. for the last 5 years the Service has forfeited assets to the amount of 240,000,000 euro. He explained that the legal framework and the good interaction between the criminal services in the whole country are the foundations of the successful work of the German police concerning the criminal assets forfeiture.

Mr. Boxleitner underlined that the specialization of the police staff working in the relevant criminal services, the constant raising of its qualification and skills and the development of the international cooperation are among the most important prerequisites for the successful results in that field.

During the discussion that followed a number of questions were raised on different aspects of the German experience concerning criminal assets forfeiture and the opportunities for its implementation in Bulgaria.

German Criminal Code (Extract)
Bulgarian Draft Law on Forfeiture of Criminal Assets
Media coverage (in Bulgarian)

Previous discussions
Round table: Draft Law on Law on Forfeiture of Criminal Assets - September 10, 2002
Round table: Draft Law on Forfeiture of Criminal Assets - October 1, 2002
Round table: Assets Seizure in Europe: Legislative and Operational Instrument to Counter Corruption and Organized Crime - March 2, 2004
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