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Working Meeting with Prof. Edgar Feige
On August 25-27, 2004 the Center for the Study of Democracy organized a working meeting with Prof. Edgar Feige on issues of measuring informal economy, firms’ non-compliant behavior and the role of informal, formal and capital networks in doing business in a transitional context. Particular focus of the meeting were sampling techniques, self-selection biases, and determinants of supply and demand of non-compliant behavior targeted at tax evasion, acquiring public or private procurement contracts and possible measures of substitution effects of informal and formal networks and bribery.

The participants discussed some econometric methods of estimating the size of the informal economy, such as the physical input method using electricity consumption. Mr. Ruslan Stefanov, Project Coordinator, Center for the Study of Democracy presented the work done so far by Coalition 2000’s Expert Group on Informal Economy. Mr. Todor Yalamov, Project Coordinator, Center for the Study of Democracy outlined the necessity to change the unit of analyses in informal economy studies from being the ‘firm’ to ‘networks of firms’ in order to obtain more meaningful outcomes. This would entail better understanding not only of corruption but also of the larger context of economic performance in this country.

Prof. Edgar Feige from University of Wisconsin-Madison is a well-known expert of informal/underground economy. For a collection of his works visit http://ideas.repec.org/e/pfe11.html
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