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Migration, Security, and Human Rights: European Standards and Bulgarian Policy
On September 28, 2004 the Information Centre on the Council of Europe in Sofia, hosted by the Center for the Study of Democracy, organised a discussion focused on the new trends in migration regulation in Europe. Experts from non-governmental organizations, international organizations, academic institutions and journalists took part in the discussion.

Ms. Denislava Simeonova, Project Coordinator at the Center for the Study of Democracy, presented the main theses of her research Migration and Internal Security: Challenges to the Migration Policies of the EU and Bulgaria, published with the support of the Delegation of European Commission in Bulgaria. She talked about the efforts of the EU member states to coordinate their policies and build an area of "freedom, security and justice" and dwelled on the main problems to the common European immigration policy. She also stressed on the migration as one of the new, soft security threats to security and the attitude ot the European citizens towards the immigrants.

Ms. Rositsa Gencheva, expert with the International Organisation for Migration, presented a different approach to the illegal migration pointing to its positive impact in the host countries. She talked about the contribution of the illegal immigrants such as specific skills and working on positions which are not desired by the local population. Ms. Gencheva also put a stress on the remittances from Bulgarian emigrants - according to estimates they are more than the foreign investment in the country.

Ms. Petya Karayaneva, Legal Expert at the UNHCR Office in Bulgaria, presented the latest trends in asylum seekers in Bulgaria and Ms. Nadia Kozhuharova, Animus Association, pointed to the problems they face while trying to help trafficked women. Immigrants' rights, different aspects of the security in the new world order and the role of the state to guarantee citizens' security were among other issues discussed.

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