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Information day for Popularizing the Ombudsman Institution in Pazardzhik.
Representatives of CSD Law Program took part in the Information day for popularizing the ombudsman institution, held on October 21, 2004 in Pazardzhik. The event was organized under the project Establishing Public Mediator in Pazardzhik Municipality, implemented by the "Regional Fund – IGA" - Pazardzhik with the support of the U.S. Embassy Democracy Commission.
The project is aimed at establishing the institution of the local public mediator in Pazardzhik.

Representatives of the municipal administration of Pazardzhik and other municipalities in the district, local NGOs and citizens took part in the event.

The participants were greeted by Mr. Ivan Avramov, Deputy District Governor of Pazardzhik, the Chair of Municipal council Mr. Todor Popov and the Deputy Mayor Ms. Violeta Gindeva. They expressed their support for the establishment of the institution in the municipality and wished successful work to the participants.

In her opening remarks Ms. Marina Manolcheva, Executive Director of Regional Fund – IGA, briefed the participants on the activities of the organization in the field of human rights promotion and protection.

Ms. Teodora Hristova from Regional Fund – IGA presented the project Establishing Public Mediator in Pazardzhik Municipality. The project stands on the accumulated experience of Regional Fund IGA in building efficient inter-institutional models and the willingness expressed by the representatives of the local authorities to establish the institution in the municipality.

Dr. Konstantin Tanev, attorney-at-law and CSD Law Program Expert, presented the main characteristics and functions of the institution, its historical development, the process of establishing the institution in Bulgaria on national and local level and the significant role of the civil society.

The former public mediator of Sofia municipality Ms. Antoaneta Tzoneva presented her experience and the problems she had to deal with in the course of her activity.

The practical aspects of the establishment of the institution in Razgrad district were described by Mr. Georgi Milkov from the Bulgarian Association for Fair Elections and Human Rights – Razgrad Club, who has managed and coordinated the projects for establishing the institution of local public mediator in the municipalities of Zavet, Loznitsa and Razgrad.

Ms. Dragomira Paunova from CSD Law Program presented the Ombudsman Information Network, which was developed to raise awareness,to collect relevant informationq and to disseminate information and knowledge on the ombudsman institution to citizens, public administration, and relevant organizations.

The discussion that followed concentrated on the problems of independence of the institution, its financing and organization of the office, the powers of the ombudsman and his/her possibilities to influence the adoption of secondary legislation by the municipal councils, to help overcoming poor administrative practices and counteracting corruption. The participants agreed that the institution of local public mediator should be introdiced on firm and sustainable foundations in Pazardzhik municipality as well as throughout the country.
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