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Press conference to present the Corruption Indexes of Coalition 2000
On November 12, 2003, Coalition 2000 held a press conference in order to present its latest corruption indexes, based on the regular monitoring of the opinion of the population on corruption.

Small corruption turned into an everyday occurrence, show the data announced by Coalition 2000. According to these data, 83 % from the actual bribes given in the last three months are below 100 leva, whereby their relative share increased by 18 % for the last year. Up to this moment small corruption has turned into a parallel mechanism regulating the relations between the citizens and the public administration. It seems a stable trend, that beside people’s perceptions for a corruption-free education system, the data registering the level of actual bribes distinguishes the university teachers along the medical doctors and the customs officers as groups generating most intensive corruption pressures.

In general the relative correlation between demanded and actual given bribes is 2:1, i.e. by every two demanded bribes one is paid.

According to the survey data, crime and corruption are among the gravest problems of society. The public sensitivity towards crime is growing, the survey shows, most probably due to the recent spectacular bombings and ostentatious murders in the country. For only three months, the public opinion on the significance of the problem increased by 6 points. Almost as much did the estimations on the importance of corruption decreased, reaching one of the lowest levels from the beginning of the monitoring period. At present, crime and corruption are assessed as equally alarming problems of the country.

Half of the respondents consider that the government doesn’t make sufficient efforts for curbing high level corruption. While in 2002, sociologists have registered a positive public evaluation of governmental anticorruption efforts, in the current period this evaluation is not that much in favour of the government.

During the year 2003, no major fluctuations were observed in the social evaluations of the corruption level. They remain stable around a relatively high level and despite the low decrease relating to the values for the same period of the last year. The predominant public attitude is that the population lives in a corrupt society and this doesn’t change over time.

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